Welcome to the Southern Epilepsy and EEG Society
What We Offer
The Southern Epilepsy and EEG (SEEEG) Society provides a unique member-driven platform to provide highly interactive exchanges of new ideas and information related to the field of epilepsy. Our meeting is limited to 100 attendees, which allows ample small-group discussion and feedback. The program topics are selected annually by direct input from members to address current interests and the sessions are designed to foster both debate and consensus.
Since 1948 the Society has offered its members a scientific and educational venue for the development of EEG, clinical neurophysiology and epilepsy. Founded as the Southern EEG Society, the Society has held regular meetings where physicians and scientists from the Southeast and rest of the US gather to discuss the latest advances in the field. The SEEEG Society is dedicated to advancing the field of epilepsy and EEG through educational and scientific programs. We are proud of our tradition and look forward to your participation and involvement.
The Annual Meeting will deliver six comprehensive Symposia on current issues in epilepsy and electroencephalography. As in previous years, this meeting will offer a venue for learning and discussion. This meeting will commence with the debates on Inpatient vs. Outpatient Video EEG and Strips and Grids vs. SEEG; and proceed with topics including MEG/ESI, Advances in Anti-seizure Medication, and Emerging Techniques in Epilepsy Surgery. There will as always be a great fellows program. Please join us for this most rewarding educational activity.