Celebrating 77 Years of Service
Founded in 1948 as the Southern EEG Society, the Southern Epilepsy and EEG Society is a scientific and educational association with members throughout the Southern and greater United States and is open to physicians and scientists from all areas. The Southern Epilepsy and EEG Society is dedicated to advancing the fields of epilepsy and EEG in order to provide quality care to the public, increase physician education in epilepsy and improve patient care.
Katie Bullinger, MD
Department of Neurology, Epilepsy Division
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Board of Directors
Abdulrahman Alwaki, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Director, Brain Mapping Program
Emory University Health System
Atlanta, Georgia
Leonardo Bonilha, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, SC
Elizabeth Gerard, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Northwestern University
Chicago, IL
Robert Knowlton, MD
Professor of Neurology
University of California San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Terrence D. Lagerlund, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Rochester, MN
Sasha Alick Lindstrom, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
UT Southwestern
Dallas, TX
Dean K. Naritoku, MD
Professor of Neurology and Pharmacology
Chair, Department of Neurology
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL
Ghazala Perven, MD
Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology
UT Southwestern
Dallas, TX
Elson So, MD
Professor of Neurology
Director of Electroencephalography
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Rochester, MN
Charles Akos Szabo, MD
Chief of Epilepsy
Department of Neurology
UT Health San Antonio
Naymee Velez-Ruiz, MD
Women & Epilepsy Program
University of Miami
Miami, FL
Gretchen Von Allmen, MD
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Child Neurology
Professor, Department of Neurology
Director, Pediatric Epilepsy Program
Chief of the Division of Child Neurology, Department of Pediatrics
UT Health Houston
Houston, TX
Contact Us
General information
Email: info@southernepilepsy.org
Meeting information
Office of Continuing Medical Education
Attn: SEEEG Annual Meeting
7703 Floyd Curl Drive, MSC 7980
San Antonio, Texas 78229-3900
Email: cme@uthscsa.edu7